Crags Community School


School Uniform

Crags uniform plays an important role in promoting the ethos of the school, providing a sense of belonging and identity.  We encourage our children to take pride in everything they do, including their appearance which is why we ask pupils to wear a uniform.  We ask parents and carers to support us in implementing this dress code.

Our uniform consists of the following;

  • Royal Blue Sweatshirt/Cardigan (with or without school logo)
  • Light Blue polo shirt
  • Black or grey trousers/shorts/skirts/dresses
  • Blue and White checked dresses
  • Black shoes or trainers

For safety reasons we ask that children wear sensible shoes, not flip flops or shoes with a high heel. Please ensure that all items of clothing, including coats and shoes, are clearly labelled with your child’s name.

School uniform can be purchased from most supermarkets, uniform shops and other clothing outlets, it can also be ordered online from Johnny D’s. 

The school also has a small stock which is available to buy.  We also have a stock of pre-loved uniform that can be purchased for a voluntary donation.  Please contact the school office if you need any support with uniform.

PE Kit

For PE activities we ask that children wear the following:

  • White T-Shirt
  • Black or Blue shorts/tracksuit bottoms/leggings
  • Trainers/Pumps

For PE in colder weather, tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt are required. If your child has long hair please ensure that they have a bobble to tie it back.

We would discourage children from wearing jewellery in school to prevent loss, damage or injury.  However, if children have pierced ears we ask that only studs are worn.  All jewellery, including stud earrings, must be removed before PE, swimming and any other sports or games activities.