Pupil Parliament
What is the Pupil Parliament at Crags?
We take part in UK Parliament Week in November each year to develop our pupil parliament structure. Each class from F2 to Y6 has a democratically elected class MP and they represent our pupil voice in our pupil parliament. This group of pupils represent their classes in meetings with school and trust leaders to ensure that their voice is heard.
This group can be seen planning and organising fundraising and school events.
Meet our MP's and Lords:
What do we do?
At the beginning of the school year, the class MPs and class Lords asked the other children in their class what things they would like to improve within the school. They came up with 3 main areas:
- Improving our outdoor space with more equipment, seating and shaded areas
- Indoor games for wet playtimes
- Mixing classes more across the different year groups.
Here are some examples of the way that we gather our thoughts and ideas:
We have spent a lot of this year raising money to buy new things. To raise money we have:
- Held a non-uniform day
- Sold spooky Halloween buns and chocolates
- Held a Valentine’s themed day called ‘spread the love’
- Sold ice pops and ice lollies
- Arranged discos for all year groups and sold yummy treats at these
- At Christmas, we had a film and popcorn night.
With all of the money that we have raised so far, we are now ready to buy some new equipment for our playground! It is our job to ask the children in our classes what they would like, then we will shop around and buy the items at the best prices!
As well as this, we have sold poppies, given our pupil voice about different subjects, met with the MPs from the other schools in the trust and packed over 20 shoe boxes which were delivered to other countries around the world to ensure that every child had a present to open on Christmas day!
Please see our Anti-Bullying poster created by our Pupil Parliament: