Crags Community School



It is so important to read on a regular basis with your child.  Language, vocabulary and imagination are promoted through a love of books and can make a huge impact on Reading, Writing and wider skills.  We request that parents/carers listen and read to your child on a regular basis.  Children will be given books to match their phonic knowledge and the school has a wealth of texts that can be accessed through the library spaces around school to take home and read for pleasure.

Class Dojo

Each child has been given a log in for Class Dojo.  This is a programme which allows teachers to upload news stories, share learning, work and resources to support interaction between families and pupils via school and home.  Access to the website can be found here -Class Dojo.  If you need any help with accessing the app then please let us know so we can help you.

Takeaway Challenges

Each class sends home a half-termly or topic based set of challenges.  These activities are designed to give you ideas about creative ways of talking to your children about their learning in school and providing wider opportunities to embed learning taking place in class.  The trickier the challenge the more house points can be won.

Timestables Rockstars

Each child in Years 1 to 6 have been given a log in for the online Times Tables Rock Stars app which is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.  Children can earn different levels of Rockstar status the more battle challenges they win and can even play against staff. 

Click on the link below to access the school log in page.

TT Rockstars